Flight Performance

The Flight Performance System of Slot Consulting is a new solution tailored to the needs of general aviation pilots and navigation officers. The system provides performance calculations for user defined flights, taking into account payload, meteorological information and aircraft performance.

The system was developed by a team of experts, including RSZINFO, and it is ready to support pilots of commercial flights who are keen on safety and efficiency.

The FPS is a web based solution that provides fast and reliable performance calculations. As each type of aircraft has its own Airplane Information Manual the FPS has separate calculation algorithms for each type based on the respective AIM.

The calculations are done by the on-line system, with the pilot only required to provide some data and make some choices like in which compartment the baggage is located, where the passengers sit and so on.



FPS brochure (5.02 Mb)
FPS presentation (3.98 Mb)