Airport 2050+

The 2050+ Airport project

The FP7 project Airport 2050+ explores radical and novel solutions to prepare airports for the year 2050 and beyond.

Key to the project is the assumption that the airport of the future must address a wide variety of different, sometimes contradictory objectives. To this end, the project develops three different concepts to support development of the airport of 2050 and beyond:

  • The time-efficient airport concept to maximize the value of time through efficient and effective air transport operations.
  • The cost-effective airport concept to create an airport with extremely low operating costs and optimal revenues.
  • The ultra-green airport concept to make the airport self-sufficient regarding its energy needs and to support climate neutral operations with limited noise exposure to municipalities surrounding the airport.

The concepts provide insight into the time-efficient, cost-effective and ultra-green airport of the future including the level of performance that can be expected in these three core areas.

The method for describing and developing airport concepts uses the Value operations Methodology (VoM).

This model is based on the idea that the value of a system can be expressed by its difference in performance compared to a reference. In terms of the 2050+ Airport methodology, the value model utilizes variations in operational characteristics to infer changes in perceived customer value.

The three airport concepts aim to support the development of existing and new airports in Europe by providing a 3-dimensional vision on future requirements for optimal and seamless service provision, for cost- and revenue competition within a competitive world and for answers to the environmental and sustainability challenges of 2050 and beyond.


Photo gallery (9)
AP2050+ Project Brochure (1.50 Mb)
AP2050+ Ultra Green Airport Concept (D4.2 NLR).pdf (3.61 Mb)
AP2050+ Cost Efficient Airport Concept (D4.3 SLOT) (6.19 Mb)
AP2050+ Time Efficient Airport Concept (D4.4 TUD) (6.19 Mb)
Project video
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