Advisory Council for Aeronautics Research in Europe

The Group of Personalities invited Commissioner Philippe Busquin agreed to establish a new Advisory Council for Aeronautics Research in Europe (ACARE) to develop and maintain a Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) that would help achieve the goals of Vision 2020.

The Group of Personalities also agreed to establish a new Advisory Council for Aeronautics Research in Europe (ACARE) to develop and maintain a Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) that would help achieve the goals of Vision 2020. ACARE was launched at the Paris Air Show in June 2001 and attracted over 40 member organisations and associations including representation from the Member States, the European Commission and stakeholders: manufacturing industry, airlines, airports, service providers, regulators, research establishments and academia.

ACARE's main focus then was to carry forward the SRA to influence all European stakeholders in the planning of research programmes at European and national levels. The SRA was not a research programme, but rather a roadmap outlining the strategic orientations which should be taken if Europe is to meet society's needs for aviation as a public mode of transport as well as noise and emissions reduction requirements in a sustainable way.

There is a vigorous programme of Aeronautics and Air Transport research, which is already delivering important initiatives and benefits for the aviation industry, including: EU collaborative research in Aeronautics and Air Transport (EC's Framework Programme research FP6, FP7 and Horizon 2020), the Clean Sky Joint Technology Initiative, the SESAR Joint Undertaking, national programmes in many Member States and research establishment as well as private company programmes. To date, ACARE has made significant contribution towards the overall goals on Vision 2020 and examples of successful research are detailed in "ACARE Success Stories: benefits beyond aviation" published in March 2011.

Over the same period a number of boundary conditions changed that prompted ACARE members to reconsider the sufficiency of the existing Vision 2020 with the view to extend it to a new horizon towards 2050.

ACARE has played a central role in providing support to the High Level Group on Aviation Research, convened by the European Commission that has now formulated a new vision beyond 2020 for the horizon towards 2050.

Read more about our "ACARE" references

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MONITOR was a complex transport, environmental and economic research project that dealt with the measurement and the forecast of the air transportation indicators, to draw the conclusions and to help policy makers in the future's decisions.... Read more...